Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Radiohead Album Preview

From RollingStone.com...

"As you've no doubt heard by now, Radiohead are releasing In Rainbows, their seventh studio album, in two different formats: a basic DRM-free download version that costs whatever you want that's available October 10th, and a deluxe boxed version that includes a double vinyl disc, a book, eight bonus tracks and two CDs, out the first week of December (it also comes with a DRM-free download that actives on October 10th).

The good news for those of you who can't wait: As any hard-core Radiohead fan knows, most of the songs on In Rainbows have been played live by the band for some time, and versions of them are widely available on the Internet. Here's a track-by-track breakdown of Radiohead's new album."

I have placed my order and can't wait to hear the new album!

1 comment:

dbilberry said...

October 9th! That was almost two months ago. I'm kicking your butt in the blog department.